Don't disturb the sexy
Random thoughts: Someone should post a spoof personal on one of those sites, answering the standard questions in the style of Ted Bundy or something "Things I can't live without: the death of others".... punks jump up to get beat down... Pedestrian advocacy... tomorrow I get to eat a pound of (bovine) flesh... that Japan Herald comment from 1881, "the Japanese are a happy race, and being content with little, are not likely to achieve much" - for all of the Japanese economy's current problems, who would say that now? How easy it is to assume racial characteristics are somehow fixed in stone... "Am I hot or not?" is the question of my generation, for better or for worse... the Boston closer-by-committee idea is sound, but the people they need to do it aren't there... I want to be a male guitarist in an otherwise all-female band, kind of like the drummer in the Breeders...
Random thoughts: Someone should post a spoof personal on one of those sites, answering the standard questions in the style of Ted Bundy or something "Things I can't live without: the death of others".... punks jump up to get beat down... Pedestrian advocacy... tomorrow I get to eat a pound of (bovine) flesh... that Japan Herald comment from 1881, "the Japanese are a happy race, and being content with little, are not likely to achieve much" - for all of the Japanese economy's current problems, who would say that now? How easy it is to assume racial characteristics are somehow fixed in stone... "Am I hot or not?" is the question of my generation, for better or for worse... the Boston closer-by-committee idea is sound, but the people they need to do it aren't there... I want to be a male guitarist in an otherwise all-female band, kind of like the drummer in the Breeders...