
A cooler head prevails: so what's the starting rotation for the ALCS? I actually like:

Game 1: Wakefield
Game 2: this is the one I can't decide - Kim???? Kim as a starter seems to be a popular option, judging by the feedback I've seen on the Sox blogs, but in Yankee Stadium? Arroyo? because it would be surprising for the Yankees, and a pitcher they've never seen would be a good thing? (Vaughn Eshelman!) Some sort of Burkett/Suppan/Kim/Arroyo committee?
Game 3: Lowe (gets to be at Fenway, gets 3 days' instead of 2 days' rest)
Game 4: Pedro (5 days' rest for a change)
Game 5: Wakefield
Game 6: Lowe
Game 7: Pedro

Kim's still got good stuff, not great under pressure but arguably the pressure is worst for him at Fenway, and we might as well make use of him :) If the Sox win Game 1 I think this is the best rotation...


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