Songs in the Key of Life

One thing I've discovered about the iPod, it really does help me discover the songs that've been buried in the depths of my collection, brought them to light. I was sceptical about that effect - after all, I do have all the songs already on my computer - but I suppose having 40GB of music around you is very different from carrying 1GB as I used to do.

Unearthed songs that I've rediscovered the joys of:
  • Ryan Adam "La Cienaga Just Smiled". (Ryan Adams is great walking-around-town music: always has the ring of late 90s/early 00s East village music to me, and that always has special memories...)
  • Tapes N' Tapes "50s Parking"
  • Gomez "Get Myself Arrested" - If I recall correctly, I wrote a review of the album when it first came out. Still like it.
  • Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels "Devil With a Blue Dress On / Good Golly Miss Molly". Listening to this made me think, I want to DJ again. On a mid-week night, with my choice of music. And one night I'll just do garage-band music. (And on another night I'll do bizarre cover songs, but that's another subject for another day.)


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