Hotel Chevalier

It is pretty awesome that Wes Anderson made his short film Hotel Chevalier (the companion piece to The Darjeeling Limited) available for free download.


Anonymous said…
Hi Daryl

This is massively OT, but I'm sure you've heard of the online petition to the PM to repeal the law criminalising gay sex. If you haven't, it's at and the petition closes on October 19.

I'm sure you don't need telling that this law is discriminatory and damaging. Besides subjecting gays to a life of uncertainty and fear, it impedes effective sex education and HIV/AIDS outreach, making it not just a moral issue but a public health one.

It would be great if you could sign the petition, and also if you could publicise the URL by any means that are convenient for you - email to friends, instant messenging, blog post, and the like. Every single signature counts towards proving that the people of Singapore do not oppose equality and dignity for gays, and insisting that the government does not suppress them in our name.

Please consider helping. Anything at all would be appreciated.

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