My Late 20s

Ah, my 28th birthday. I had a couple of very pleasant surprises, including this lovely classic bouquet that arrived at my door:

Birthday Flowers

Then I had a huge dinner with the 'rents at Mamma Lucia Churrascaria, which had incredible tender cuts of meat fit for an aging carnivore like myself. (I'm too lazy to write a review, so I'll just link to the Travelling Hungryboy's one.) Then I hit my friend Maryanne's party - ah, the good thing about having a friend with the same birthday is not having to organise things. All in all, a good 24 Feb.

Thanks to everyone who sent good wishes!


Anonymous said…
Happy birthday! :)
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday belatedly, and keep up the great blogging!
Laughingcow said…
Happy birthday! :)
Anonymous said…
happy belated birthday!
Anonymous said…
Aiyoh! Younger than me!

Happy Belated Birthday!
Anonymous said…
Hello Daryl. I've been reading ur blog for a few days now.It's super duper! Happy Birthday! From a fan all around the world in Lebanon.
Ooh. Happy belated birthday!
Daryl said…
Thanks all for the good wishes!
Anonymous said…
Aha! So MEN do like getting flowers too :P

Happy belated Daryl!

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