That pesky meme

Sorry to whoever tagged me... I've been busy, yeah. But here goes.

4 jobs you've had in your life

  • Travel writer (amazing job)
  • Research assistant (on race relations in Crown Heights, Brooklyn)
  • Assistant Director, Strategic Planning
  • Assistant Director, Air (climate change work - can't complain)

4 movies you could watch over and over

  • Annie Hall
  • Before Sunset
  • Casablanca
  • High Fidelity

4 TV shows you love(d) to watch

  • "The Simpsons"
  • "Coupling"
  • "The Sopranos"
  • "The Office"

4 places you've lived

  • Singapore
  • Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • London
  • New York City

4 places you've been on vacation to

  • Iceland
  • Miami Beach / Key Largo / the Florida Keys
  • Chicago
  • San Francisco
4 places you would rather be
  • London
  • New York City
  • Boston
  • Let's just keep it at those 3

4 of your favourite foods

4 websites you visit daily

4 tagged

  • The buck stops here


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