Scylla & Charybdis

[2pm, roughly, on Bloomsday; chapter 9, the Library chapter. Ulysses schemata available here.]

My own Bloomsday has been mundane: awoke late, hit with the sun in my eye eliding through the flimsy curtain; the procession of the day continues. I spent my lunch hour (Lestrygonians, chaper 8, 1pm) foraging for the dimensions of a queen-size bed, hence found myself wandering with my bandaged, bloody toe into Robinsons, a man in sandals. Joy of joys, to find a salesman in Singapore who's willing to help even when you say you just want information and you won't buy today. 60' x 75', and indeed the service at the store is every bit as good as the loyal customers would have it. Right now good puzzle would be cross Singapore without passing a sale.

Beforehand had searched in vain for Picket and Rail at Stamford House - gone, apparently, the space now occupied by paintings. Ah, to have a house of no furniture and all paintings: a life of pure art, pure pleasure, no functionality. Folly. Persist.


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