The Earth From Above photo exhibition

Now that I'm back in Singapore, I've finally made it to the Earth From Above outdoor photo exhibition, featuring these glorious photos by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Well, I got to see half of it, anyway, before the rain started Pouring From Above and I had to take shelter - will return for the other half soon. Took some shots to remember the exhbition by (a meta-photo, I suppose, since I was photographing a photo), but the prints really have to be seen in their full size and glory. This is the Folgefonni Glacier in Norway, which sadly, like other glaciers around the world, is melting in part due to climate change.

My Flickr set of the exhibition - the unfortunate bright white circle in all my shots is of course the light used to illuminate the prints.

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JGC Photography said…
I love Yann Arthus-Bertrand's photo of the NYC Marathon crossing the Verrazano Narrow's Bridge. I might be running that marathon this fall.
Anonymous said…
I haven't seen the exhibition in Singapore so I don't know if they have the photo here, but I love the one with one guy in the bottom left corner of a huge expanse of colourful packing crates.

I took a "meta-photo" too. :)

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