Bringing the Sexy

Al Gore had a funny opening quote at the MTV Video Music Awards - "I actually was not planning on being here tonight, but then MTV explained to me that Justin Timberlake is bringing sexy back". But I can't get "Sexy Back" out of my head - there's a raunch to that song that suggests Timberlake's Prince-loving side, and that's more fun than his Michael Jackson wannabe side...

Anyway, since I'm talking about Al Gore and the environment and energy, stalkers should note that you might catch glimpses of me on Questions for the Future on CNBC Europe and CNBC Asia this Sunday, assuming they panned to the studio audience (was in the front row). More seriously, for non-stalkers: it's a pretty good programme if you're interested in energy demand in Asia.


Anonymous said…
You see these shackles baby I'm your slave ...
Anonymous said…
I'd rather watch the Brainiest Scholar Quizshow, I missed watching it back in 2003!
Oh that Al Gore... is it me, or did he gain a whole lotta weight?

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