Friendster blogging

Friendster now has blogging, provided by SixApart, the MT/Typepad guys. Even the price packages sound like Typepad, with 3 levels of blogging packages:

The default option when users sign up for a blog is Friendster Blogs Basic, for $4.95 per month or $49.50 per year. That option boasts extra storage and bandwidth.

Friendster Blogs Pro, for $14.95 per month or $149.50 per year, offers "expert control over HTML, archive types and unlimited Web logs. Perfect for advanced users," the company said in a statement.

Friendster Blogs Plus, for $8.95 per month or $89.50 per year, lets users create photo albums, keep up to three blogs, and personalize the look of the blog.
Presumably this follows MySpace's lead on mixing blogging and social networks. Given that Friendster fired an employee for blogging not too long ago, their newfound embrace of blogging seems somewhat awkward.

Jeremy Zawodny on Joyce Park's firing.


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