Linksfest: Sonic Death Monkey edition
Why does Yahoo! think I live in a time zone called "CST"? China Standard Time? Do they not know that there's few things Singaporeans get annoyed by more than to be thought of as being part of China? Anyway, on to the things that caught my eye:
- The Solar Death Ray.
- Singaporean falls for the Nigerian 419 scheme, loses house.
- Ignoring the opposing political points of view on the Schiavo case, what would sending kids to bring water to a woman who was on a feeding tube achieve?
- I loved the Geico commercial for "Tiny House", a fake reality TV show that seems to have a better premise than many real ones.
- The New Scientist has a list of 13 things that don't make sense, including the placebo effect, variable constants, and cold fusion, which has been in the news a bit lately
- Did you know you shouldn't clean a claypot using detergent?
- The New York Times on hypomanics i.e. those with a milder form of bipolar disorder featuring hypomanias, "currents of mental energy and concentration that are less reckless than full-blown manic frenzies, and unspoiled, in many cases, by subsequent gloom". Feels like I know the feeling.