Linksfest: When Saturday Comes

Over the last few days, I've been tapping the wonders of American cable, watching such films as Ella Enchanted (terrible), Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (bearable), and A League of Their Own (quite good, actually - and now that I know a lot more about baseball it makes more sense)... anyway, weekend links:

Why blogging is good for your career, by Tim Bray...

Old friend PJ Thum is trying to be the first Singaporean to swim solo across the English Channel...

Getting back at e-Bay scammers...

Frequent flyer miles are getting devalued - time to start trading in your miles?...


T said…
Someone tell him the Channel Tunnel opened some years back! I think 59 quid gets you to Lille and for another 10 quid, it takes u back to blighty...
Before it's too late...
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the mention, Daryl. Don't forget to donate to MSF or AFA. Yes, I know there's a ferry. And a train. And planes.

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