The 2006 Bloggies

Ah - I've been told that I'm one of the panelists helping to select finalists for the 2006 Bloggies, supposedly the Oscars of the blog world. So, yes, I feel like part of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association or something. (Well, yes, the right parallel to the Oscars would be the Academy, except well, I just like saying "the Hollywood Foreign Press Assocation".)

But seriously, it's been really interesting to sift through the nominees - I'm supposed to select the finalists for, among other categories, Best European Blog, Best Crafts Blog, Best Topical Blog, Best Tagline For a Blog, and Lifetime Achievement... time to whittle the choices down. Whittle, whittle...

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Anonymous said…
Would the Oscars of the blog world have a panel looking at EVERY blog in existence to truly be fair? You only sift through the top nominated. It's a popularity contest ... and can never be the Oscars.

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