Animated discussions
Some bits on animation, cartoons, and comics:
- More on the Polar Express and why the motion capture sapped the life out of the live-action (relates to the "uncanny valley" concept)
- Some conservative groups are challenging Spongebob Squarepants, saying that he was featured in a 'pro-homosexual video' that promoted a "tolerance pledge" that included tolerance of sexual identities. Only trouble is, as the New York Times notes, "the video has appeared on television networks, and nothing in it or its accompanying materials refers to sexual identity. The pledge, borrowed from the Southern Poverty Law Center, is not mentioned on the video and is available only on the group's Web site" (cue standard animation "wawk-wawk-wawk" embarrassment-sound)
- The Fantastic Four movie trailer is out! I like the Fantastic Four - always wanted to be Mr Fantastic - but the trailer really does nothing for me. And the tagline is incredibly cheesy: "1 will be bad 4 will be fantastic" - I hate it when people use numbers 2 stand in 4 words. You're excused, though, if you're Prince.
- If you're lazy, Josh reads the comics for you.