Blogger - Categories?
Every time I think about moving this blog over to Movable Type, the folks over at Blogger add stuff that I like, use, and incorporate... the WYSIWYG editor, individual post pages, well-designed templates (well, only for my reviews page), convenient picture uploading, commenting. I'm not a very demanding blogger, really. I know my PHP and my URL rewrites, but I'm not really at the stage where I need to switch. I don't care that the commenting facility is kind of strange and should really show the previous comments. Okay, I do care, but not that much. But I would like one thing: categories. Please.
A quick search shows I'm not the only one. Oldcola has a workaround, but that's a stopgap.
A quick search shows I'm not the only one. Oldcola has a workaround, but that's a stopgap.
I've found i very easy way to reach that but.
Blog Categories with