Finding Work Through Blogging

Lately I've been reading a lot of pieces on work and blogging. The New York Times talks about how blogs aid in job search (Before Applying, Check Out the Blogs), in which I noticed the following statement:
Ms. [Gretchen, a Microsoft recruiter] Ledgard said she also kept a file of interesting bloggers and read them regularly, expecting that some will become job candidates
Keeping all the interesting people on file but waiting for them to contact you about jobs? That's an interesting approach... a sort of passive-aggressive headhunting.

Also, this is late, but I just checked out the case study of "Glove Girl" in the article "A Blogger in Their Midst", from the September 2003 Harvard Business Review - my office has a subscription, so I looked up an old issue. (Link to a summary of the article, from the author's own blog.) The interesting dilemma I find is that workers who blog can often be off-message and somewhat slapdash - and yet that makes them believable and credible as authorities on the industry and on the firm and its products, since they're not in lockstep with PR. It'll be interesting to see how firms and nonprofit organisations adapt to blogging. As the line between work and personal life continues to blur, will these organisations adopt the (thus-far) benevolent approach of Microsoft? Will they use it as a way to get feedback? Or does staying on message trump all that?


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