Age and youth

Man, one of the guys who helped develop the Firefox browser is only a teenager?! For some reason I've become acutely aware of the fact that I'm turning 27 soon, which is hardly old by any standards, but seems to be a point to take stock and say "hey, what're you doing with your life?". And looking at people who've done big things at tender ages just emphasises the point.

Of course, I did fritter away part of my youth playing Lemmings.


Donna said…
That does boggle the mind, doesn't it? Oh well -- by the time you are my age (which is the same as Bill Gates, and you can see how much more he has accomplished than I :) ), you'll be used to hearing stuff like that!

(Thanks for posting over on my blog!)
Daryl said…
Ah well. No sense fighting the passage of time.

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