Religious sensibilities

As described in the Guardian, the Norfolk guidelines for the teaching of religious education, while well-intentioned and probably a sensible reminder of the importance of religious sensitivity, come across as oddly patronising... here's some excerpts.

Don't refer to the first 39 books of the Bible as being 'the Old Testament'. It suggests that the books are old-fashioned or out of date. Don't use the term the "Wailing Wall". It suggests that Jewish prayer is negative and moaning. The proper term is the "Western Wall".


Do be careful when showing pupils the kachs. Without preparing pupils they seem to some like merely voluminous underpants and can give rise to a poor response.
And don't they know that the following was the basic heart of the debate that underpinned the Reformation and helped spark the French Wars of Religion?
Don't, when exploring the Eucharist, suggest the bread and wine become 'the body of Jesus' or 'the blood of Jesus'. This suggests almost a cannibalistic consumption of human flesh.
Seems funny that advice meant to help people remember the various concerns of different religions would step right in and take one side of the doctrinal dispute between consubstantiation and transubstantiation.


mis_nomer said…
Hey, great article. Thanks for the link!

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