London hit by blasts

Very, very sad. May be a G8-related terrorist attack? Scanning the Guardian News Blog furiously for updates:
1110 PA is reporting fears of "many" dead after a series of what are now, patently, terrorist bomb blasts around the city. Eyewitness reports talk of terrible injuries, and "many fatalities".
Bastards. All these familiar areas: what person who's been in London, even for a bit, hasn't been through King's Cross or Liverpool Street? I stayed off the Edgware Road for a few months... all these memories of roaming through Russell Square. Major tourist spots, major commuter interchanges at 8.49am on a weekday. Must be chaos now. And to think, just hours ago the city was rejoicing in its Olympic victory. What kind of evil drives people to this?

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Anonymous said…
Totally understand what u mean... Am living in London (although in zone 3) and this just blew my mind as i watched the scenes on tv news throughout the day!!! the scenes are so surreal...and those streets (e.g. russell square) are the ones that i do roam about A LOT when I was studying in central london this time, just last year!! Unbelievable... and totally senseless...
Anonymous said…
'What kind of evil drives people to this?' Well, one has to consider what the British and Americans did to them.

Cluster bombs 'used in Iraq cities
Coalition forces did use cluster bombs in built-up areas during the Iraq war,

US bombards Iraq mosque complex
A US air strike has killed up to 40 people inside a mosque

Think these two links serve the point. There are many more examples if you just spend a few minutes to look on the net.

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