
Today's Sunday Times (no online version of the article) has a piece on the planned conversion of the long-defunct St James Power Station, recently the site of such art exhibitions as Reconstruction of a City. The station will be turned into a huge club complex, about 10 times the size of the recently-defunct Embassy. The developer's website notes that in bringing in the funk, the space will hold 3 restaurants and 9 (9!) clubs.

All that made me think of Berghain, a converted power station in Berlin that Geeta over at The Original Soundtrack described as "ten Fabrics stitched together - the most full-on place I've been to in my life, both vibe-wise and architecture-wise". If the new place is even half as good as that sounds, I'd be psyched.

But then, power station conversions are always exciting, as Tamsin Blanchard noted a while back in the Guardian. It's like loft conversions writ on awesome scale. Heck, a good conversion can even win you a Pritzker.

Tangential links: Galinsky on the Tate Modern | Beauty and Waste in the Architecture of Herzog & de Meuron


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