Linksfest: Juneteenth
- Because of the publicity over his inadvertent fake Parents magazine cover hoax, I've discovered Andrew Hearst's website, which is really filled with interesting takes on design - I really like his mockup of Us magazine as Harper's.
- Anyone read Educating Eve, the anti-nativist response to Stephen Pinker's The Language Instinct? Inquiring linguists want to know.
- Lynn Barber visits the Venice Biennale. Funny quote about Tracey Emin making peace with Gilbert and George: "She accused them of always calling her the Slag, but they assured her that they only ever called her the Super Slag and she was appeased."
- Homemade airconditioning.
- Making wine, prison style. Except without the 'going to prison' bit.
Technorati Tags: design, linguistics, art, innovation